30 Local Business Instagram Story Ideas

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30 Local Business Instagram Story Ideas

The age of social media is an excellent way to engage with customers, but only if you’re doing it right. If your business isn’t on Instagram yet and wants more followers or just needs some new ideas for their stories- this article has everything they need! From simple tweaks that can boost engagement like posting creative images instead boring logos (and getting people excited about where those came from), all the way up through using hashtags consistently throughout each day – there’ll be something here everyone will want at any time.

Instagram is a great way to show off your local business. There’s so many ways you can take advantage and make the most out of it! From posting photos, videos or even live streaming events – there will always be something new for people who want their news delivered in an interesting manner on this social media platform that nearly everyone uses daily.

What has become of Instagram Stories? I find myself spending more time consuming them, but why exactly do brands seem to be using this platform as one way they can share their story with me. Is it because we all just want content at our fingertips when scrolling through our phones during work hours or is there actually something special about these specific posts from certain users that make them worth watching?

So how do you or a local business take advantage of Instagram and Facebook Stories? Get started!

Need some ideas?
Here are 30 ideas and prompts for you to consider:

1. Share How You Started Your Business…

2. Here’s one thing that could dramatically change your _______ for the better…

3. If I could go back 5 years, here’s what I would tell myself ____________ (Business related)…

4. Here’s how to expand _____________ with this one simple hack…

5. Here’s what I can teach you about _____________…

6. Here’s a Surprisingly Quick and Easy Way to ___________…

7. Why I love working with __________ (insert ideal customers or clients)

8. My __________ changed after I implemented this one simple tactic…

9. I just created this ___________ resource to help you with ______________. Who wants a copy?

10. [# of] Unusual Ways to Leverage Your ____________…

11. Why ___________ is actually good for your________…

12. STOP! __________ is Not ___________! Here’s Why…

13. Today I am celebrating _____________(client success story)

14. The WORST thing you can do for your ________ is…

15. Here are my TOP 3 HACKS for Overcoming ____________…


16. [# of] Most Effective Ways To Overcome _______________…

17. Here’s How To ____________ Like The Experts Do….

18. Here are the do’s and don’t of _________________…

19. If you could ask me anything about (INSERT NICHE), what would it be?

20. Here’s how to overcome________________…

21. These 5 Tips Will Help you Achieve________…

22. Here are a [# of] Great Reasons Why It’s Time To _____________…

23. Everything I wish I knew before I started _____________…

24. Here’s how to secure ______________…

25. Share a new product or service teaser…

26. I invested in _____________for my business and it had _____________ effect.

27. Here’s how to make __________with your _________…

28. Let me show you the secrets of __________…

29. Here’s how to _________in [#] easy steps!

30. Here’s why most people struggle to ___________…

So, you want to start telling stories? Great! I hope this inspires your creativity and gets the wheels turning. The first step is always tough but it’s worth taking that leap because when we tell our own personal tales others listen more intently than they would if someone was just reading from a script or giving PowerPoint presentation – there are few things as captivating (and engaging) in conversation aside from somebody who really feels what he/she says on stage so don’t be shy and begin sharing yourself with them today!!

video posts

I can’t wait to watch your stories! Do me a favor and let’s connect so that we both get the best experience possible from them.

Are you struggling with this ‘Stories’ stuff? Reach out to me! I’d love to help.

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We are a social marketing agency with more than 12 years of experience helping local businesses market online. Social Climb understands the challenges small businesses face every day and  it is our mission to provide affordable marketing services that make a difference. 

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